Are you worried about a child, young person, their family?

CYP for Allesley Park Medical Centre patients
Are you worried about your mental health, do you always feel sad, angry, worried, anxious or have panic attacks? Do you feel isolated or self-harm?
If you would like to talk about this and be signposted to help and support, please contact reception, or drop into the surgery to make an appointment on the last Friday of every month
Here are some useful numbers and links for services that can provide support
24/7 Crisis line
For urgent calls for children and young people who are experiencing a mental health crisis contact the 24/7 Rise Crisis team on
Freephone 08081 966798 (select option 2)
Dimensions Tool
The Dimensions of Health and Wellbeing is a free online tool providing self-care information to support adults, children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire. You can rate yourself or another person against a number of dimensions related to health and wellbeing. The Dimensions tool is available 24/7 and creates a Dimensions report which provides information about self-care, local services and support.
To access the Dimensions of Health and Wellbeing please go to
Coventry City Council Family Hubs
Children, young people, and families can access information, advice, guidance through a Family Hub in their local area. The Family Hub works with a range of multi-agency early help partners so children and young people can get the right help at the right time.
0800 887 0545
Family Health and Lifestyles Service
Helping children and young people take responsibility for their own health and adopt a healthy lifestyle through: School Nurses, Health Visitors, Stop Smoking Services, the Be Active Be Healthy team, Infant Feeding Team Family Nurse Partnership and MAMTA. Please see the video below for an overview of the service.
There is also ChatHealth, a free confidential text service 07507 331 949 for 11-18-year-olds.
024 7518 9190 years
New service: Kooth is an emotional wellbeing support offer that provides anonymised free online advice, support and guidance to young people aged 11 to 25 years. Kooth allows young people to access a community whereby they can find support through magazine articles, peer to peer discussion forums, a self-help activity hub as well as online 1:1 counselling support. Please see the video below for an overview of the service.
Short video about Kooth:
Positive Choices
A free confidential service for young people aged between 5 and 24 to talk about their own drug and alcohol use or if they are impacted by another’s substance misuse, unhealthy partner relationships and sexual health. Support is flexible to suit the need of the young person. We offer face to face and online appointments and work one to one and in groups including at our Ecotherapy allotment project.
024 7655 3130
To make a referral or speak with a member of the team, please contact
Children and young people MH Service
If you would like to talk about a child or young person, you can have a consultation with a mental health clinician within the Navigation Hub. You can also talk to the Primary Mental Health Team, who can provide wider training for professionals around identifying and supporting mental health needs in children and young people.
Rise Navigation hub 0300 200 2021
Primary Mental Health Team 024 7696 1476
Virtual School
Is the child a Looked after Child (LAC) or previously looked after (PLAC)? The virtual school can offer support and advice to schools, nurseries and colleges.
024 7697 5535
CAMHS Looked After Childrens (LAC) Services
Children Looked After service offers therapeutic interventions to children and young people aged 5-18, who are currently looked after by Coventry local authority and are living within a 20-mile radius of Coventry. Support includes Attachment difficulties, breakdown of relationships, Self-harm, early trauma, and behavioural difficulties Therapeutic parenting PACE, DDP. Referrals from Professionals sent to Rise Navigation hub on
0300 200 2021
Coventry and Warwickshire Relate
We are part of the Reach service in Coventry providing counselling support for children and young people aged 5-18 years of age experiencing poor metal health, bereavement and loss and family change. We offer the Wish service supporting children and young people that have witnessed / experienced Domestic violence and abuse. All referrals to this project need to come via social care. Services are provided remotely and face to face.
024 7622 5863
Our office is open 9-9 Monday, 9-5 Tuesday, 9-7 Wednesdays, 9-5 Thursday and 9-4 Fridays, but the delivery of our appointments include evenings and Saturday mornings.
Coventry SEND Support Service
Coventry SEND Support Service continues to offer support to schools through their link SEND professionals. This includes work with families, children and young people and setting staff; this support is usually agreed through the setting SENCo or other members of the leadership team.
In the event of ‘critical incidents’ including sudden or unexpected deaths, members of the school leadership team can contact the Educational Psychology Service to seek advice and support – please ring 024 7678 8400 and an EP will get back to you as soon as possible and where possible on the same day.
024 7678 8400
NSPCC National Services
As part of the NSPCC’s fight for every childhood, we work directly with children and families in our service centres across the UK and Channel Islands and give support to thousands of adults and young people in need through the NSPCC Helpline.
We work with primary schools up and down the country through our Speak Out Stay Safe programme, helping children to keep themselves safe.
Our projects such as Together for Childhood help children who’ve experienced abuse, support parents, and work to transform the way communities come together to prevent child cruelty.
Do you know how to keep your kids safe online? In partnership, NSPCC and O2 have developed Net-Aware, a great guide to the latest and most popular social networks, apps and games kids are using.
0808 800 5000
Childline Tel: 0800 1111
CW Mind – Reach Service
Coventry and Warwickshire Mind offer the Reach service for children and young people living in Coventry, aged 5-18, who are experiencing poor mental health, for example low self-esteem, anger or anxiety. Provision of support from this service includes both face-to-face and digital support.
To make a referral, follow the link
024 7663 1835 Monday to Thursday from 9am until 4.30pm and Friday from 9am until 4.00pm.
CW Mind – Community Children’s Autism Support Service (CCASS)
Coventry and Warwickshire Mind offer the Community Autism Support Service to children and young people up to the age of 18 years, who have a diagnosis of autism or who are on the Neurodevelopmental Assessment waiting list for an autism diagnosis. We offer various support including 1:1 sessions and social groups with CYP, and training and toolboxes for parents/carers and professionals.
Referrals for CASS will be accepted from education provision (SENCo, Educational Psychology etc) and other professionals and can be made via our website.
CW Mind – 16 to 25 Peer Mentoring Service
The Peer Mentoring service aims to improve outcomes for children and young people (CYP) and their families, across Warwickshire and Coventry. It can be a difficult time when transitioning between child and adult mental health support services and many young adults fail to seek advice and support early enough. This is an early intervention/prevention service providing pastoral support and enabling a smoother transition into adult support or community services.
Vibes (ASC) Youth Clubs
About us: The youth clubs are for young people that have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC), who live in Coventry and are aged between 7-18. The groups are split up by age as follows: Younger Group: 7-10 years, Middle Group: 11-15 years, Older Group: 16-18 years. The service is designed to meet the needs of young people who are able to independently participate in the activities. The clubs do not have the capacity to provide high level support.
024 7663 1835
Young Black Men’s Project
An early intervention and prevention mental health programme run by black men, for young black men. The service works to raise awareness of mental health and tackle stigma within the community.
024 7663 1835
Positive Youth Foundation
The Positive Youth Foundation (PYF) is a registered charity that provides a wide range of high-quality programmes and opportunities for some of the most vulnerable young people in Coventry aged 8-25.
Our work can offer valuable support for children and young people, including newly arrived refugees and migrants, experiencing early signs of stress and anxiety.
Grapevine Coventry and Warwickshire
Teenvine Next Steps and Teenvine Plus are intensive programmes run by Grapevine, available for young people with SEND (diagnosed or undiagnosed) who are struggling with school/service engagement or need extra support accessing community and becoming more independent. Teenvine Next Steps offers 1:1 and small group support for 6-12 months. Teenvine Plus offers family, 1:1 and group opportunities for upto 12 months. Contact Sarah or Paul for more information and a link to the referral form. Young people can be self-referred, family referred or professional referred..
Paul Kedwards (Teenvine Next Steps) 07942 266 545
Sarah Grove (Teenvine Plus) 07846 956
Coventry Youth Activists (CYA) are a campaigns group changing young lives in Coventry. CYA members decide on the issues that matter to them and set about making positive change for themselves and others.
Adult MH Support
A wide range of support including one-to-one, mental health courses to help people better understand and manage their own mental health.
Pathfinder One-to-Ones
024 7622 9988
Recovery Wellbeing Academy
Community Support
024 7601 7226
Coventry Safe Haven
A drop-in available to anyone aged 18+ for out-of-hours mental health support. A welcoming, safe, comfortable, non-judgmental and non-clinical environment, that provides information and emotional support.
07921 876 065
NHS Coventry, Warwickshire & Solihull Talking Therapies
If you are currently struggling with low mood, stress, depression or anxiety and are aged 16 or over, Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull Talking Therapies offers free and confidential support for your mental health. To find out more, please get in touch with us and speak to a GP. Alternatively, you can self-refer via telephone, or by visiting the Talking Therapies website here.
Telephone: 02476 671 090
Address: Melbourne Gardens, Windsor Street, Coventry, CV1 3BT
Opening Hours:
Monday: 9-4:30pm
Tuesday: 9-4:30pm
Wednesday: 9-4:30pm
Thursday: 9-4:30pm
Friday: 9-4:30pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Other useful websites: